This is what part of my garden looked like on Jun-14-2023, hours before a monster hail storm....

I was happy with how green and healthy the plants looked. But after the hail storm, there was significant loss. For example, this butternut squash was shattered.

My only yellow bell pepper plant was chopped down with only a few leaves left. I had planted this for my wife since she will not eat the hot peppers, so I was trying to grow sweet peppers for her. But the hail storm nearly killed the plant.

And this is what the same yellow bell pepper plant looks like the next year, on Apr-13-2024....

The plant survived many of the cold winter days and nights inside my workshop where there is a small wood stove. I also turned on a portable electric heater when it was sub-freezing. This is the first time I kept a pepper plant alive during the winter.... and now in the spring this plant is already producing a pepper! I also have one jalapeno pepper plant that made it to the other side of winter. Not only did the plants survive the winter, but they survived a hail storm!

Here is the next generation of okra plants, as seen on Apr-13-2024, grown from seed I saved in a previous year.